Saturday, October 24, 2009

And even more Kirirom pics

The remaining chimney from the King's house,
atop Kirirom mountain

Tree Bark I

See the face?

Park Map

More Kirirom Pics

View of Kirirom from about halfway up 
the mountain.

Here are some medicinal roots and woody
plant stems, laid out to dry.

A road in the park

There are conifer trees at the park!

The water is so clear in this stream, you can
see the rock under the water's surface, 
between the two plants in the foreground.
This shot was taken under tree cover, yet
the water is not black.

Kirirom National Park

Disclaimer: This is my first post. The formatting can only get better!

Needing some fresh, non-city air, I joined two friends for a day trip to Kirirom National Park. With Kirirom being 112km southwest of Phnom Penh, we started off at 8am and planned to return in the late afternoon. 

Taken from Wikipedia, 
The meaning of Kirirom is "Happy Mountain". This name was given to the area by King Monivong in the 1930s. The ancient name of the place was Phnom Vorvong Sorvong for the main two hills there were connected with the Cambodian popular legend about two heroic princely brothers, Vorvong and Sorvong.